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Business Innovation and Investment visa

This visa allows people to own and manage a business and investment activity or undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia. We strongly believe in providing our business community full set of professional services in obtaining Business and Investment visas. The visas in this category can be complex to process without comprehensive information. We are very helpful in assessing whether you have a good chance of qualifying or not. Most of the investor and business visas require a state nomination before applying. This visa has provisional (188) stream and a permanent (888) stream.
The following are the categories of Business & Investment Visas.

Business Innovation stream

This visa is for the business owners or investors from overseas who are willing to invest in new or existing business in Australia or create selected investment in Australia. This is a point-test based visa for people who have exceptional innovative business ideas that can impact in a big way.
This requires a proof of net personal and business assets of 800,000 AUD and a proof of running a successful business. The visa requires the candidate to be of less than 55 years of age and requires an invitation to lodge.
This temporary visa allows you to stay up to 4 years and 3 months along with the members of your family. It has prospects to lead to 888 Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa upon meeting certain requirements.

Investor stream

The investor stream requires an investment of at least 1.5million AUD in an Australian state or territory and maintain the business or investment activity for at least a period of four years. This is also a point- test based visa that requires the applicant to be less than 55 years of age and have a net investment or assets of 2.25 million AUD. The income earned from the investment in Australia is subject to Australian taxation laws.
This temporary visa allows you to stay up to 4 years and 3 months along with the members of your family with multiple entry rights. It allows the applicant to apply for 888 Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa after a period of 3 years and 11 months.

Significant Investor stream

This stream is for the people who are interested to invest at least 5 Million AUD in Australia and are invited to apply by a State or Territory government agency or the CEO of Austrade. The investment has to be maintained over 4 years. The applicant must have a genuine interest to reside in the sponsoring state or territory. There is no age limit for this visa.
This temporary visa allows you to stay up to 4 years and 3 months along with the members of your family with multiple entry rights. This can be extended further to 6 and 8 years depending upon the circumstances and approval.
In order to fulfil the eligibility criteria for the grant of a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) in the Significant Investor stream, the applicant must live in Australia for at least 40 days per year for the duration of the provisional visa. The spouse or de facto partner must live in Australia for at least 180 days per year for the duration of the main applicant’s provisional visa. These days do not need to be consecutive.

Premium investor stream

This stream is for people who are nominated by the CEO of Austrade and who invest at least AUD15 million in Australian investments and/or philanthropic contributions that meet set criteria. The investment needs to be held for a period of 12 months with a realistic commitment to maintain business and investment activity. The value of net assets for this stream has to be 15 Million AUD. There is no age limit for this visa.
This temporary visa allows you to stay up to 4 years and 3 months along with the members of your family with multiple entry rights. All the business activities associated with this visa are governed by Australian laws.

Entrepreneur stream

This stream is for people who want to carry out entrepreneurial activity in Australia. A business plan of the entrepreneurial activity is required for this visa. A funding agreement from an approved entity of 200,000 AUD is required to carry out the entrepreneurial activity. The applicant should have sufficient funds to settle inside Australia. Age limit is 55 years for this visa. The applicant must be nominated by a State or Territory government agency before being invited to apply for this visa.
This temporary visa allows you to stay up to 4 years and 3 months along with the members of your family with multiple entry rights. This provisional stream leads to permanent stream through the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Entrepreneur stream if certain requirements are met. All the business activities associated with this visa are governed by Australian laws. All workers in Australia (including visa holders) have rights and protections at work. Pay rates and workplace conditions are also set by the Australian law.

At GGI our team of professional migration agents is here to help you with simplifying the business and investment visa lodgment process. We will guide you to choose the right visa category, documents required to lodge the visa application and through the complete visa process from initiation to the final stage. You can trust us with the visa process and relax as we take care of the rest!

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“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”

Steve Jobs